What can I wear a white denim vest with?

Answer #1

well according to some pop vids, a sparkly T-shirt (with motif or something) white jeans (tastefully ripped) and some stiletto’s for that “ill kill you with my shoe” look :D

Answer #2

for a day look solid jeans or shorts a darkish wash. a tank top probley a fun summer or spring color a night look ripped jeans or leggins in dark blue or white mid length or long sleeve shirt mostly a dark color to stand out. dangly necklace no chokers. bright or light colored heels

Answer #3

I’d wear it with black skinnies, and a black v-neck personally.

Answer #4

any top with a design/color with pants that are not denim. if you have some printed leggings it would look cute but then you need a more solid long top. you look pretty so i am sure anything would look nice on you. d;

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