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Wear whatever you feel comfortable with. Some prefer loose clothes while others prefer tight. I personally like tight, light type clothes when working out. I like something that shapes my body in a comfortable. Something that I can still move around in.
You can if u want, i wear sweatpants and a tight shirt haha
you can wear tight clothes working out but you have to make sure to take them off and shower right after because it hugs the sweat to your body
I find it makes me self conscious when I wear tight workout clothing. I choose baggy clothing so I can focus on performing the move correctly instead of focusing on how I look in it. You’re working out for you, not for some guy at the gym… no matter how much of a dreamboat he may be ;P
My friend tried wrapping seran wrap around her waist while she works out and it makes you sweat more so you burn more fat, but just dont wear it too tight to wear u cant breathe!
I think it’s best to wear something comfortable that your skin can breathe in. But not something baggy as it can be a hazard. Wear safe clothes at the gym and dress modest because nobody likes people who only wear short-shorts and a sports bra.
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