How do you wash your hair properly?

I know it sounds stupid but I have a lot of Dandruff and have dark hair it really shows up badly and heard Dandruff can be caused by not washing hair properly??

Answer #1

Well I don’t know it could be from dry scalp. “Dandruff shampoos” probably have medicated moisturizers in them. Try one and work it into your scalp really well. rinse it thouroughly is my suggestion.

Answer #2

Thanks I will try this xD

Answer #3

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Answer #4

U need to go into your shower and turn the shower on and get your hair wet and use the shampoo (Also Buy The Shampoo u like using 2 wash your hair with) then rub the shampoo on your hair and start washing it and once u finished taking your shower,u can let your hair dry and u can start doing your hairstyle and start your day off.!

Answer #5

Take you’re time and do it right. Just wash it slowly and relax ya mind I suppose.

Answer #6

Take you’re time and do it right. Just wash it slowly and relax ya mind I suppose.

Answer #7

Take you’re time and do it right. Just wash it slowly and relax ya mind I suppose.

Answer #8

for me , for example I wash it Saturday in the night before going to bed then wash it again on Monday night before going to bed << .. I love to have a very hot shower but with Red hair I wash it with kinda warm water to keep the redness in ,, .. what I can say , that I passed through days when I used to wash it everyday . but my hair got used to it so thats it gets grassy everyday , then I stopped washing it everyday . so i was it every 2-3 days and it doesn’t get grassy so fast as before .

Answer #9

Use a shampoo for that, like heads & shoulders or tgel.

Answer #10

What Andrea says (if I understand her right) is what I’ve found makes the biggest difference for me: I have to wash it often enough, but not too often. Too much or too little increases the dandruff. Every third day or so, or twice a week, seems to work best for me.

Answer #11

I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way… I’ve had dandruff like twice n I got head and shoulders n it works way good you should try it.. But how I normally wash my hair is ok one day I use shampoo an conditioner and the next I just use conditioner I use shampoo every other day.

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