Answer #1

Every sport can be tiring depending on its player. If you were entirely out of shape I’d imagine you’d be quite tired at the end of it while someone who was in shape wouldn’t be. It also depends on what you and your body are good at . Although, in my experience, it was less tiring than sports such as soccer where you have to do lots of running around a big field.

Answer #2

Ya soccer is tiring but if u play defense it isnt so tiring and forward kinda but if u play midfiled u have to run the whole field soo tiring! I do bball and soccer and some vball Bball is really tiring also

Answer #3

Yes, especialy for somoone as un fit as me however somone who os fit could find it very fun and enjoyable. You need to be alert and use your arm’s alot but other then that it’s pretty easy i suppose. It’s probably a good game for unfit ppl as it doesn’t take too much effortas opposed to other sports.

Answer #4

Yes it is. I play volleyball, but it’s so much fun you don’t even realize.

Answer #5

It really depends on whos playing it. Like soccer doesn’t really wear me out as much as badmington.

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