who takes over when the vice president dies?

who takes over when the vice president dies?

Answer #1

Polouski, Nancy Polouski, I just remembered her name, lol

Answer #2

It’s not the secretary of state! That’s wishful thinking! it’s the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi!!! And we sure don’t need her taking over!!

Answer #3

if the president dies im in the place for PRESIDENT… LOL

Answer #4

the vice presidents children?

Answer #5

No it would be the Speaker of the House.

Here is a list of 17 people in line for the presidency:

  1. Vice President

  2. Speaker of the House of Representatives

  3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate

  4. Secretary of State

  5. Secretary of the Treasury

  6. Secretary of Defense

  7. Attorney General

  8. Secretary of the Interior

  9. Secretary of Agriculture

  10. Secretary of Commerce

  11. Secretary of Labor

  12. Secretary of Health and Human Services

  13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

  14. Secretary of Transportation

  15. Secretary of Energy

  16. Secretary of Education

  17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Answer #6

Yea speaker of house who I believe is Natalie something..haha cant remember her whole name but its either natilie or nancy, and I forget the last name

Answer #7

Well, a new vice president would be chosen by the president.

Now, if both the president and vice president died at the same time, then yes, I believe it would be the secretary of state.

Answer #8

seceretaty of state

Answer #9

Actually no one “takes over” if the V.P. dies, the post remains open until a new V.V is nominated and then approved by Congress. Similar situation was Agnew and Ford. Agnew resigned and then Gerald Ford was nominated and because he had no unpaid income tax issues he was approved,

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