Whos Obama's vice president?

Whos Obama’s vice president? Who’d he pick anyway?

Answer #1

Biden may be more qualified in some ways but that urgent 3am phone call comes in to the White House - not the Naval Observatory where the VP resides.

Answer #2

The One who champions ‘Change’ from the usual way Washington operates, chose a 65 year old Washington INSIDER of 35 years.

Answer #3

It’s sad Obama denied Hillary the chance to make History and become the First Female ever to elected to the high office of VP - even with her 18 million - once again Hillary must give way to another woman.

Answer #4

Obama can’t think for himself, Obama says what they tell him to, he insults people, and as for “change” that idiot couldn’t change a tire. He lies and if you’re smart you can see right through everything he says, and fyi most of mccains views are liberal. He disagrees with bush a lot he’s not an idiot, and as for palin, she’s extremely qualified, shes won over a lot of votes for mccain.

Answer #5

Umm, Obama and Hillary had almost total opposite views on things. Why would he pick Hillary? Either way Amblessed you would have still voted for that idiot McCain. So don’t say ‘Oh, it’s so sad.’

McCain only picked Palin BECAUSE she has a VAGINA. Obviously Obama is a more respectable man, and doesn’t do things JUST to get approval from other people. Obama can think for himself. Something McCain can’t do.

Answer #6

He picked Joe Biden as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Answer #7

“He lies”

Oh sorry, john mccain is pumped full of integrity and honesty and NEVER lies

Answer #8

Obama chose Joe Biden to be vice president. Kind of wished he picked John Edwards.

Answer #9

Joe Biden, a much more qualified candidate than Sarah Palin.

Answer #10

mleh. I was rooting for hilary. ^_^

Answer #11

Sen. Joe Biden, long time senator.

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