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is it true the more u shave the thicker your facial hair will grow and faster????
No it’s a myth. I think it’s just different for everyone cause I’ve never had that problem
yeah but your a girl…..
i heard that it was?
Ha if you shave your legs when theres barely any hair your hair will come back faster more darker an thicker if you were to wax it that wwouldnt happen
yeah thats right…lool but i think it is true…and who cares if shes a girl :l
Yeah and you’re a boy which means it isn’t true for everyone. Still doesn’t mean it’s true. It actually drives me crazy when people claim it is true when it’s been proven that it’s a myth
It’s not true…increased growth happens for the first day or two, then it resorts back to it’s natural rate of growth and it is no thicker than it was before.
ahh, i see:)
yeah..i think its only when you shave your legs…
no no it is..it happened to my friend
dont f* talk me like that!
dont call me a spoilt brat!! wat is your f* problem? first you complain about my questions and now this get a life colleen!! i dont even care that your almost 36 it doesent mean you can talk to me in a nasty way!
why are you callin..or ‘trying’ to call me spoilt? i dont understand all i said was ‘whatever’ does not mean im spolt!!
i understand you hate…and yes of course i hate you bk..i have a reason too. you complain about my questions and try to call me spilt.. and for me thats nasty!
well what did i post more then once??and no it doesnt make me seem like a brat! i may be only 13..but i have my rights? is that not correct?
ok when i said that i would do what i wanted i did not mean that in a bad way!
and how did i admit to it? just tell me what i posted more then once??:
none of the rules did not menion or say do not talk bk
and btw i am sorry for being rude..if that what you think? and ….if you really hate me and want to kick me of this website. do it then?
in that link it didnt say that i knew what question i posted? just tell me now..what the question was..pleasE?
and im sorry about my attatude? im afraid i am who i am i cant help myself im trying to control my anger! :)
and btw yes i am blind..only one eye! ur kinda mean urself?
ok? is that the answer you want?
Regan i do respect colleen.. but i know she hates me.. so i hate her a little… and i even ssaid ‘sorryy’ she doesent care?
and tbh so am i. and i am following the rules? and about the pusher thing..i only went asked the questions so may times..alothough i only asked it twice..i think is because my uncle made the film..and i guess i got ecxkited :l
i know that she is a great person..but… shes keeps on bossing me around.. is she aloud to do that? ok fine if she is
ok. fine. i will let her be mean to me and let her boss me around and i will say nothing bk
and i take everything i said back..plus the sorry :O
and i wont say anything…i guess that what u lot want?
im not sorry for myself but i know you lot want me to feel bad ok i said im SORRY but no one seems to care
ok..that was automatic sorry.. i meant fine ok :
and btw you did call me a brat first!
nooo….now isn’t that being rude..telling me to f off..and i already had shut up anf dont tlk to me like that!
no well im sorry you havent just lost your dad.. wouldnt you kinda messed
Whos Gone?
oh..what the hel happened anyway…
Whats happening here!..hah lol someone was deleted and tried comeing bk lol heyy can you please follow me :)
Pleaasssee foollloow mmeee? no one is following me :(
what. sorry?
I think it is a myth is well :)
i dont believe thats everything i said??
i dont believe thats everything i said??
:) hello
lol :P ok :)
Yes it’s true and I also heard that if you eat a lot of eggs- your hair grows back faster.
yes it does it… we guys only look.. we never had thick fast growing hair but we got so thick and lots of hair on face … right thats why they says grow fast and gets thick…
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