Who else hates their life at times?

Answer #1

I do..

Answer #2

probably almost everyone.

Answer #3

It’s sucks ass :(

Answer #4

I do, but then I think that I don’t have it as bad as others

Answer #5

Probably more often then I should.

Answer #6

i hate myself at times but not my life because i know there is worse and i try as hard as possible to be grateful, besides we are kids and are life has not yet even started for us to hate it ;3

Answer #7

Why would someone hate their life

Answer #8

All of us have ups and downs….focus on the blessings….other things become trivial/small in comparison….

Answer #9

most of the time..

Answer #10

Because its all messed up & nothing ever goes right?

Answer #11

…i do :/

Answer #12


Answer #13

Not I.

Answer #14

Me lol… Only because I’m crazy as hell :P

Answer #15


Answer #16

Yeahhhh , everyone feels this way at timez

Answer #17

hell yeah who doesnt hate their life at time but is it ok if i ask y u hate ur life??

Answer #18

my life is so down, its gone to hell.

Answer #19

I’ve had a few bad things happen to me during my childhood, but I still love my life and live it to it’s fullest :)

Answer #20

I don’t ever think that hate my life because I would hardly change it at all if I could change it. I sometimes hate myself though.

Answer #21

Everyone feels that way at some point in their lives

Answer #22

At this time……yes! I can’t find a job.I’ve been looking for a job for the past year and I still can’t get hired. The list goes on. :( :(

Answer #23

Yeah, my mums a crazy bitch who does nothing but shout & drop all her problems on me. My dad works away all week do I can’t see him. I’ve just left school & it’s literally impossible for me to find a job. The list goes on :-(

Answer #24

i hate my life all the time and want to die

Answer #25

i dont hate my life at time i just hate the options i have been given and some of the decisions i have made, ive never looked to god for help although ive read most of the bible i still consider my self a bit of a athiest, the way i see it is you dont need friends and family just yourself and your sanity. friends and family do make it much better though which i have a abundance of :D you cant hate your life at all, everything can be fixed if you try hard enough and remember nothing is too late!

Answer #26

I have, been then i learned to stop comparing my life to others cuz i would but wat ppl show is to impress others. i was jelious of ppl on tv but ther made to entertain. i always express my best upfront to people, becuase its a front, not whats inside. so does everyone else i realized

Answer #27

I think everyone has their times in their life where they just don’t feel like it’s really worth anything. But then we start to realize that everything that we go through has some purpose to it.

Answer #28

me, thats for sure. But life changes in many ways and it’s always your decision to lead your life.

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