What is a good time span in between getting family photos done?

Answer #1

I would say every year.. or every other year. Kids are every year tho

Answer #2

Oh ok, I get my girls pics done like 2 times a yr, in the fall and spring and thr dad gets one done at Christmas time :-)

Answer #3

Sounds good :)

Answer #4

We always got them yearly due to the school me and my sister attended having photos at the start of each academic year. As for my family we took photos every christmas at my Nans birthday party :)

Answer #5


Answer #6

My family has only gotten like 3 professional portraits done. Two of them were when I was younger, and another this past summer. My dad has always taken tons of photos of all of us with his own camera though, & they turn out just as good. Now, we take family pictures whenever we’re all together (on vacation, Christmas). It’s a little harder to get everyone together since we’re all getting older and busy, and my oldest sister has recently gotten married. To answer your question, I think yearly is probably suffice. If not professionally, then definitely with your own camera!

Answer #7

i would say one before school(the school usually does this one) maybe one for the Christmas one and if you want i guess you could do one in the spring? i know my family just does a family one for Christmas and then the school one at the begining

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