What are your thoughts on the concept of having a soul?

I ask because i’m not so sure I believe in the idea.

Answer #1

I personally do not believe in souls…at all.

Answer #2

Hm, I think, regarding the whole soul idea that soul is what provides you life,morality, emotions, and more importantly, provides the ground work for who you are. That’s just what I think though.

Answer #3

Yeah, i’m leaning towards that.

Answer #4

well i have two things to say on the subject, if we dont have souls, we just wander aimlessly, empty beings without meaning, puppets to someone higher up.so like i guess our souls make us who we are.make us whole. if we do have souls, when we die, what is there for us? what is there in death? i think our souls are just lost in the world. thats not a very good fate to me i dont think? so its a good nd bad side =) course what im sayin prolly has nothing to do with the question. lol

Answer #5

But,arent your emotions cause by chemical reactions to something that happend and they make you feel whatever you’re feeling? I dont think who I am has anything to do with a soul, it has to do with what i’ve been through, the way I think, how I act, just the way I am is who I am. I dont need a soul for that.

Answer #6

So you just think that we have souls because you belive in an after-life. I dont believe in an after-life so where does that leave me? Soul-less?

Answer #7

Yep, they are, it’s what I got off the whole soul concept, I don’t really buy into it, the most I could say a soul does is… Exist. I do think that if they do exist, then they have a reason for existing, a reason which we don’t know of. My grandmother would tell me that your soul is what provides you life, and all things have a symbiotic relationship to your inner self, aka, your soul. I don’t really believe in it, I just like to think they exist :)

Answer #8

well, who am i to say whether there is or isnt? i was just giving, in my opinion, the good and bad views i have on the subject. i actually find myself thinkin that we’re all just puppets to God( if there is a god) nd that we’re all part of his games.

i guess if one didnt have a soul, then they may feel empty? afterlife could just be a fairy tale, to reasure us all that there will be some peace there, but yet. ppl still fear death more than life, which i honestly see no point in,

Answer #9

Quite honestly, I’ve always felt the concept of the soul takes away from our understanding of and appreciation for the human brain. The brain is an amazing organ, and we are learning more about how its processes and capabilities shape who we are, what we feel, what we think, etc. Yet, for some reason, people feel the need to pin their identity to the “soul”, an unexplained entity that has no supporting evidence whatsoever.

What we think of as the “soul”, that is, our gut instinct, our true identity, our most cherished emotions, etc. could all very well be explained by our brains and elaborate nervous systems. I think we need to move beyond the superstitious, useless belief in the soul, and study more about the marvelous human brain.

Answer #10

maybe, souls are just imaginary concepts to make ppl feel they have purpose? when in reality its just another word for “you” who you are, how you act.

Answer #11

I profoundly believe that a person is born with half a soul and that their one true purpose in life is to find the person with the other half of their soul. And there is only one person whom is in possession of the other half of your soul. That person is extremely hard to find for some and easy to find for others but that person is your one chance at adamant and true love. True love waits. I have found my other half and will love her forever.

Answer #12

yu kno, i will never fully comprehend how your mind works ( i kno this sounds bad but its a compliment =D) no matter how much i want to, i know this sounds simple but, yu are very smart nd ur mind is a wonder =) (it may not sound like it but its def a compliment lol) nd i love ur writing style

Answer #13

I like to think that every living entity has a soul. Who’s to say?

Answer #14

I believe that everything living has a soul. But, where is the soul? Is it somewhere located in my heart? My mother’s family are truly religious, and I think the soul has alot to do with after-life. At a point in our lives, we all were told that ‘’Heaven’’ is where good souls go, and ‘’Hell’’ is where bad souls go. And after seeing the movie Gabriel, it left me wondering alot. Older people never let teens have their own opinions… it’s like their the Superiors Ones of the earth. Im kinda in the middle. I believe we do have a soul. Alittle bit.

Answer #15

Awww, thank you! I appreciate it. Sometimes I’m not even sure how my mind works so it’s all good. XD

I was going to send you something I wrote. I sent it to someone… I forget who. If it wasn’t you then just tell me and I’ll send it.

Answer #16

lol it wasnt me,, i wulda remembered.. can yu? id love to read it =D

Answer #17

and your welcome =)

Answer #18

i dont think we have souls :/ lol

Answer #19

Yea, I’ll send it right now. =D

Answer #20

I dont believe in souls. Why on earth should only humans have souls. What makes us oh so special. And if everything has a soul, does that mean everything goes to heaven. So I probably shouldnt be eating meat, given the whole soul thing? Nope. It makes no sense.

Answer #21

yay thank you =D

Answer #22


Answer #23

Souls are one of things that you can believe in and not care if other people do not. I personally dont because the whole idea of having a soul means that you must behave yourself and not do anything to corrupt your chances of keeping a clean soul, (much like a conscience). Without the threat of dirtying your soul- which in some religions could barr you from entering that “special place in the sky”- you are much more free to do what you want to your hearts content…

Answer #24

I find the requirement of physical proof for something innately supernatural to be an obtuse expectation.

It boils down to your personal philosophy of the mind. The spontaneity of life cannot be explained. The roles we take in the formation of our realities can be physically observed… but not explained. With so much leeway… it isn’t difficult to fathom an unseen force independent of corporal reality.

Answer #25

Depends on how you define soul.

If you mean some part of your consciousness separate from your physical body and able to survive physical death than I don’t think so.

The best evidence I see against our having a soul is the profound psychological and personality changes that can occur after brain injury. If physical changes change our consciousness than how can it be that our consciousness can exist independently of our bodies?

Answer #26

But, if we’re born with half a soul and someone else has the other half wouldnt we be born with ther other half, which would me we’re born with one half of two souls.

Answer #27

Lol, no! If you split a cookie in half portion number two would be portion number ones other half and portion number one would be portion number two’s other half so they’d be each others other half henceforth creating one whole cookie.

Damn… I want a cookie now.

Answer #28

God made humans with souls because he made them in his image. he didn’t create dogs and cats and fish and other animals in his image. he gave us more ability. sure animals love people but they aren’t made in God’s image. Just because you have a sould doesn’t mean your going to heaven. you go to heaven if you believe in God and try your best to follow his rules. he doesn’t ask much for what he did for us. he gave us his son to die on the cross so we could have eternal life and live forever with him in paradise. if you belive in God and love him because of what he did you will go to heaven but if you choose not to your soul will not go to heaven. it would go down below.

Answer #29

I believe that your soul is your personality (mind, will, emotions)- or you could replace emotions with heart (since your heart holds and releases emotions.) Whatever you believe, I encourage you to not overanalyze anything or on the other side of the spectrum -accept things as they are, “because that’s just the way it is”. Determine for yourself whats right or wrong, and never let ignorance be an excuse:)

Answer #30

I like the Idea of this imperfect human form being the vessel in which my spirit is living at this time. A living soul. In his book “The Shack” Paul Young uses a garden as the analogy for the human soul. Only this particular garden is a “fractal”, or a “beautiful mess”, in which me and God have been working in since my birth. Planting flowers here, pulling weeds there, with no visible patterns or structure - a perfectly beautiful mess!

   My soul (or garden), was sick for a lot of years because I was doing most the planting and I was planting the wrong stuff! I found out that when I started asking for help (asking what to plant) and letting God do some of the planting, That my soul started feeling better. :) You see sometimes when the spiritual Malady is overcome, we straighten out mentally and physically.
Answer #31

To that I’d say everything has a soul, every animal and plant etc. I wouldn’t worry about eating things that have souls cus one your not eating their soul your eating the body. And two how else would you survive if you didn’t eat? And that is called the food chain… the natural order of things. Therefore it does make sense. Oh apart from the heaven thing, that would depend on your beliefs. (I’m not trying to be sarcastic or whatever, I’m just being a bit blunt… no harm meant)

Answer #32

i am positively sure that i do not have a soul but i am a soul, according to Genesis 2:7

Answer #33

i agree with you, because genesis 2:7 says we ARE souls, not HAVE them. Is like going to medical school or university: We BECOME doctors at the end of the degree, we do not HAVE a doctor inside at the end of it

Answer #34

In the Bible (i do not know if you believe in it) it says et Ezekiel 18:4 that a soul CAN die. What do you think about it?

Answer #35

No immortal soul?

Answer #36

The first chapter of the Bible says that God created souls in the waters (fish). What is that mean?

Answer #37

Does it? I wouldn’t know, I’m not Christian. I don’t believe in that God.

Answer #38

Are there many gods? What do you think, if i may ask?

Answer #39

Of course there are many Gods, and Goddesses. Theres the Christian God, the Muslim Allah, then there are the hindu beliefs, buddist beliefs. Then of course theres the greek and egyptian pantheons, etc etc. Just because, lets say, one person believes as Christians do it doesn’t mean that the other Gods or Goddesses of other religions are any less a a God or Goddess in thier own right.

Answer #40

But, if so, which god created the others?

Answer #41

What created the Christian God?

Answer #42

According to Psalms 90:2, nobody, since HE wasn’t created, having no beggining and no end…..

Answer #43

So he’s not real…

Answer #44

Wich would you say is the least negative number? No one since all natural numbers have no beggining nor an end, but they are very much real. We could say the same about the notion of “time”, couldn’t we?What do you think?

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