Who is greater than God and worse than the devil?

Who is greater than God and worse than the devil?

Answer #1

this is a riddle huh? that one one… “rich people dont want it, poor people have a lot of it…it is more powerful then God and is more evil then the devil…if you eat it…youll die…” yep…its…


bwahahahaa! : ) cute…

Answer #2


Answer #3

I think this game is rigged.

Answer #4

Anyone who exists is greater and worse than both, since god and devil are fictional.

Answer #5

wow. how clever.

Answer #6

to me, nobody is greater than god, and nobody is worse than the devil.

Answer #7

BZZZTT, Sorry, thanks for playing!

Answer #8


Answer #9

Cast and Crew from the show Yo Gabba Gabba.

Answer #10

Weird Al

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