Who thinks the economy is getting any better?

Who thinks the economy is getting any better?

Answer #1

slowly recovering. bu t it would soon get better.

Answer #2

The sobering fact is it is designed to get much, much worse. The debt suddenly thrust upon us amounts to many trillions of dollars which our grand children’s grand children will still be saddled with. Congress and the President sold us out to the international bankers without a moment’s notice. If we do not have another American Revolution soon and take our country back, we are all destined to be slaves and surfs with the lowest standard of living that exists. Help me, people. We need to turn everyone out. Vote not for party but for person based on principle. Time is short. we need to act fast! They did it in a matter of days. We need to act just as fast.

Answer #3

K3nz2525 you are part right becouse it does suck almost as bad as it did during the great depression.

Answer #4

psst .. really .. come one people! the economy isnt going to make a change in a long time. This process that nock on wood I hope works will take years to come past. In a matter of fact it might even scare people as the economy might even deep a tad bit more. It takes time, time that people dont take into consideration.

Answer #5

I think it sucks more than it ever has. just my opinion

Answer #6

I think it is slowely getting better… it’s definitely not as bad as it has been thats for sure.

Answer #7

nah its not as bad as it wass…but yea its slowly getting betterr

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