do you think its stupid that tmobile is chargingg me $90 to get a new fone even though i have insurance on it?

Answer #1

It kind of depends on the circumstances…insurance doesn’t cover everything - always read your contract

Answer #2

well the screen broke ive never dropped my fone, nd ive had it for about 2 yrs the screen blacked out

Answer #3

umm it is “phone”

Answer #4

oh thanks, i didnt know that.

Answer #5

although it sounds like “f” it is really ph

Answer #6

Insurance doesn’t pay for general breakdown - it covers theft, damage from fire, etc. When the phone breaks down from wear and tear, that’s not up to insurance to cover.

Answer #7

I have t-mobile and I broke my phone a while ago and I couldn’t afford a new one, but my contract wasn’t up yet, so I called them to cancel, told them about how I just lost my job and couldn’t afford a new phone and didn’t know if I would even be able to pay my bills.

They ended up giving me a free phone! And I lowered my phone bill! If you didn’t already pay that $90 I suggest calling them and trying to work something out. T-mobile is very proud about their customer service ratings and they will work with you.

Answer #8

You never buy insurance with T-mobile. It is very rarely worth it. You end up paying more for the insurance than you do the phone. And yes, it is stupid. Boomzy is right though, they will often work with you.

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