why teachers not understand feeling of the students?

why teachers not understand feeling of the students?

Answer #1

because they don’t remember how it was to be a kid & they believe they happed such a bad life when they were a kid that they don’t know why we conplain

Answer #2

I guess they just dont wanna have anything to do with our feelings. they just wanna do their job and go home and not really have anything to do with students. I hate when you were reallly sick and you couldnt get your homework done and they dont care. they should atleast give us a little slack

Answer #3

because they are most of the time fed up of the students excuses …and also they are most of time frustrated about their own problem

Answer #4

Well judging by the way your grammar is, you have a hard time during academics.

Teachers do what they can to educate, it’s not their job to establish friendships, it’s their job to ensure futures.

Answer #5

I think they mostly don’t worry about that because there ther to teach

Answer #6

I wanna no that 2. me + my mate wre a bit late 4 class because I had 2 take summink 2 my form + my teacher starts shouting at us when we didnt even miss nething. lol teachers.. tey probs dont remember being a kid.

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