Can stress cause someone to be short of breath and make you have to breathe harder than normal?

Answer #1

yes very much so…..stress can cause anxiety….which anxiety id what causes those symtoms…..ive had it plenty….they tell u to look at a big object and take deap breaths as u move ur eyes down to smaller and smaller objects….which is suppose to make u cocentrate so u can stop having the anxiety.

Answer #2

I’m NO doctor but I suppose it could, especially with the whole “stress raising your blood pressure” thing and all. It’s also possible you could have a could have a variety of health problems ie: asthma, emphysema, etc. To be safe, I’d get checked out by a doctor…

Answer #3

Sorry about the double “could have a”. Haha…

Answer #4

I know I do have asthma, but I haven’t been in much physical activity much lately and I’m not wheezing or anything out of the ordinary. I have been under stress for about two weeks or more which has been getting worse, so I was hoping knowing stress makes someone have small breathing problems would make me calm myself some.

And that’s fine. I do that a lot too. xD

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