What are some good story ideas?

What are some good ides

Answer #1

I would say ya life or someone elses but a lot of drama

Answer #2

it mostly depends on what you’re writting on . . . fantasy horror realistic comedy etc.

use you’re own life and twist it around until you can’t imagine it’s your’s. For example, lets say your a guy and you love your parents and they went to a trip to Vegas and came back safely along with a jackpot money thingy.

creativly you can say, in your story cause its all twisted, your a girl in the story and you hate your parents and they go to Vegas . . . blah, blah, blah. they win the jackpot and they call you saying what they won. that night, when they’re about to return, they’re murdered in their hotel. somehow, all evidence points to you as murdering your parents. now you continue

Answer #3

It depends what you like writing about. Just write a couple of short stories like sci-fi, comedy, horror, fantasy, romance and work out what suits you best then commit to writing something bigger. Like a sci-fi story about a war in the far future, a horror story about the dead not staying dead, a fantasy about a magical forest with a hundred new creatures in it… I’ll shut up now but you get the jist

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