Can I start mentioning the setting and the characters in the intro or does it have to be in the body paragraph?

Answer #1

Sure, you can mention them. I would maybe go more in depth about them in their own paragraphs, though. (Unless, you’re planning on only having an intro and then one big body paragraph.) Honestly, you should just put the setting and characters wherever you see it fits best; put it where it will make the most sense. It’s not like there’s any set rule on where these things go.

Answer #2

Usually when I would write, I would introduce the main character(s) in the intro, give a sneak peak into their life and that’s it. The rest is usually expanded afterwards.

Answer #3

u answered all my essay questions..u should major in English

Answer #4

Thank you haha, I appreciate that. English is literally the only subject I actually I enjoy.

Answer #5

I actually enjoy*

Answer #6

not alot of english majors where i live .. i wish u were my neighbor that would lift a huge weight off m shoulders

Answer #7

Of course I would start mentioning the setting on the intro so the reader can get a picture in their head. For the characters it’s best to introduce 1-2 at a time and as the book goes on then start popping in more.

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