Where do you think you stand on the political realm?

Explain why you believe you fall into this category.

Answer #1

I stand with the group who think politics are annoying. Whenever the people around me start to talk politics it just turns into a big fight, so I just think it’s really annoying.

Answer #2

I stand with all the laissez-faire-ing people. I don’t care what goes on as long as it doesn’t affect my everyday life, but unfortunately what’s going on now does. I believe that if people wanna do something that even if I don’t like it, they should do it because honestly it’s none if my business anyway. I’d probably fall into the Liberal category.

Answer #3

I’m a liberal, basically because I don’t believe anything that the Republicans believe in, nor will I ever.

Answer #4

i agree! :)

Answer #5

All poltics doesn’t have to be annoying if you know what’s going on. It’s actually quite interesting. And the fighting is what makes politics fun ;]

Answer #6

I am the president.

Answer #7

i am a right wing REPUBLICAN because basically i believe in a free society with very little government- i believe we should be able to take care of ourselves and not rely on a government program or a handout , i believe the constitution of the u.s. is the building block of our society and shouldn’t be cast aside as some sort of outdated material. i believe that if someone threatens us we stand strong and bomb the crap out of them if attacked. i also know as a fact that all of our freedoms we enjoy in this country have been bought and paid for with the BLOOD of the brave and not by diplomacy and bickering. i also don’t smoke my breakfast lunch or dinner. politics does affect all of our lives everyday, you can ignore it but it will still affect you regardless, people have a great opportunity to be a part of the political process that has been denied in so many other countries- but hey it is a free country- participate or don’t , it is your choice.

Answer #8

Try the political compass: http://funadvice.com/r/15s6lp0ikpl

According to the political compass I am a Libertarian-Communist. Yeah, right, I know. I’m evil.

It has a test that leads you through a set of questions and then gives you direct results on two axis, the authoritarian vs libertarian axis and the economic-left vs. economic-right axis. They also have results for a lot of politicians.

This may interest the Americans in the Forum: http://http://funadvice.com/r/15s6lp0ikpluselection2012

Answer #9

I’m horribly bad with comebacks though even if I do know what’s going on, so I still lose anyways lol

Answer #10

The chart lists me as libertarian-left. I’m closest to the Dalai Lama and a little more anarchist and less communist than Nelson Mandela. As I see it I’m in pretty good company though.

Answer #11

Coming from a dyed-in-wool Republican family I started out conservative. Then over the years life experiences showed me that all the premises that my conservativism was built upon were wrong so over time I got more liberal. Now I consider myself very liberal and frankly am embarrassed by many of my positions from decades ago.

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