What is the little squiggly light I see in the corner of my eye before I get a migraine?

Answer #1

It’s called an aura and it’s a normal symptoms of pre-migraine

Answer #2

I have been told that all true migraines have a visual or optical portion - squiggles, shadows, vision abnormalities, light sensitivity, plus. My ophthalmologist says I am a lucky migraine patient as I have gotten most of the above but never have had the pain part. I even went blind in my right eye for 10 min. once. Very interesting.

Answer #3

Yeah, right before I get one I either lose my vision in one eye or start seeing the little light…I get really bad migraines. :(

Answer #4

Its an ocular aura. I get them too. About 20 minutes pre-migraine. They sometimes cover my entire rage of vision in one eye. Beware, migraines with aura render you at an extremely higgh risk for estrogen induced stroke. If you’re female, (which I’m assuming you are, lol) you need to be on an estrogen-free contraceptive if you decide to go on one. Anything containing estrogen can kill you. I know from experience.

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