Do you Blame God for your Failures?

“Do you Blame God for your Failures..”?

Answer #1

I choose

I chose to be born, – to live or die, Even the sex, that would be I; I chose the race, from which to appear, Also my wealth, my health and my fear.

I chose my trials and stumbling blocks, And the legs I would use, in all of those walks; I chose my sadness, my joy and my love, I chose to serve and not be above.

I chose this life – with all of its dues, And with each dawn, again I choose; The experiences for me that wait ahead, To be alive, or be claimed dead.

And of the future lives I’ve yet, It is my choice that I begat; All the things, however pleasin’, That shall befall me in those seasons.


From my chosen path I stray, Yet my God any’er turns away; For I have learned – and understand, That where God is – is where I am!

Answer #2

No, I don’t really blame anyone. I usually think of something as a learning experience and try to change what I did wrong this time so it won’t happen again. God gives us situations that we have to go through to make us stronger. Theres no such thing as “failure”, remember that.

Answer #3

no, I blame myself for my failures not Him but I have known those that do. I haven’t considered them to be “stupid”, that seems too much of a worldly judgement against others and my Bible teaches me to try not to judge. I just talk to people that blame Him for their failures, about our will and pray they will find peace. prayer is always better than mean labels. The Lord doesn’t want us to fail, but to grow and bloom.

Answer #4

Really… Good Night you have school in the morning.Stop with this madness.Go say your prayers and go night night.

Answer #5

No, I don’t. I’m not sure what religion you follow, and different religions will give different explanations. The Christian explanation is that God allows us to encounter difficulties in our lives to help us learn and grow - the same way that parents and teachers give children and teenagers more and more responsibility so that they continue to learn and become mature. Sometimes we handle those situations well and we grow from that. Sometimes we make mistakes and we either learn from those failures or we allow our mistakes to discourage us and make us bitter against the world or against God.

In the Bible it promises that: ‘God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.’

This means that for every problem there is a way through, and that even if we make mistakes God will give us more opportunities for things to go right, as long as we trust Him. It certainly doesn’t promise an easy life, or lack of failure, but it does promise strenght to keep on going.

So what about you? What’s the answer to your own question, from your perspective?

Answer #6

no god doesnt choose what you do with your life he has a path you can fallow but you can choose your own

Answer #7

by yourself you succeed and feel

Answer #8

Since I don’t expect perfection from myself, I don’t blame anyone at all. Failures are just part of life.

Answer #9

No I dont. God gave you a brain 2 think with and make your own desisions. Have faith in your self

Answer #10

No I dont. God gave you a brain 2 think with and make your own desisions. Have faith in your self

Answer #11

boy is you retarded

Answer #12

If you are stupid, you might.

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