Something funny!

Tell me anything as long as it is funny, share your most embarrassing moments, what your kids have done to embarrass you in public, anything! Stuff you’ve done with your mates, I don’t car, im just really bored. Can you tell?

Answer #1

I was sat with my boyfriend (well my ex) and we were on the sofa eating white chocolate.. actully revising for our GCSEs at the same time (nerdsss)… There was a white rubber on the sofa and I ate it :O I realised it wasnt chocolate but I was to embarrassed to sit it out because I thought he would think im a ffreak so I ate it :O yuccck lmaoo that was in 2008 :)

Answer #2

me and a few of my m8s were staying over in a house and we were drinking and two of my m8s got there eyebrows shaved!!! very funny il never forget that!!

Answer #3

I was in newcastleton and me and emma and ryan snuck out and it was dark,andwe were sneaking about and someone turned on their light right in our faces and we ran TOTAL fast and it was muddy and emma felland fell on her arse, and omg the way she fell.. omg I couldnt stop crying with laughter :L

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