does smoking weed gets people skinnier?

Answer #1

No, thats just a myth. Marijuana does not make you lose weight, in fact most people eat more while high so you could actually gain weight while using it.

Answer #2

No cuz it makes u want to eat!!! Lol

Answer #3

thanks for answering my question :)

Answer #4

lols yea i know but some people say it gets you skinnier n shytt lols n the last thing i wanna do is lose weiqht i wanna gain lols

Answer #5

Weed is more likely to make you loose your mind then weight. One of it’s side effects is hunger after smoking it so it does make you want food. Crack sure does but weed gives you cravings and makes you want to eat more.

Answer #6

Actually some studies have said that smoking can increase your metabolism. And yes it makes you eat, but if you realize, which you wouldn’t unless you smoked yourself, that you eat when you get high, which if it is like, 2 times a day, it can help your body regulate digesting fats, which is what dietitionists tell you do to, is eat 5 small meals a day, so when you get the munchies just eat something small. Trust me, it works. The guy on the documentary for SUPER HIGH ME lost a few lbs while he quit and gained 8 after he started again… But the thing is when he quit he changed his metabolism by not eating as much as often, he didnt feel the urge to eat. That caused his body to not want to digest food when he started eating again.

Answer #7

P.S Cannibis does NOT make you lose your mind, or brain cells. There is a study that proves just that. Google search THC effects on increasing brain cells in Rats. You will see, it was even on the news a few weeks ago.

Answer #8

Note- Cannibis is the correct term. Marijuana is actually a slang term that was derived from Mexico that is actually in means to deter cannibis in a negitive way.

Answer #9

If you want to gain weight, you need to increase your caloric intake by atleast 500 calories a day. Depending on your height/weight and health, most women consume about 2000 calories healthily. Just remeber, it takes 45 min walking on a tredmil to burn off ONE chocolate chip cookie.

Answer #10

a google search is not a reliable source. If you can show me a scientific paper published in a rescepted scientific journal like Nature or the Journal of Neuroscience then I may pay attention to your argument. However as it stands it is not very credible. Oh, and I hae read numerous proper scientific papers that say the opposite of what you are.

Answer #11

Well then you can call the news broad castins system and tell them that they are wrong. Along with the scientists. I am just passing on information that should be well known. Cannibis should be used for all freedom and recreational use in my mind.

Answer #12


Answer #13

i dont know but ive seen weed destroy my freinds and family and almost me. prize is not worth the pain to me.

Answer #14

Of course smoking cannibis always relates to personal matters and enviornments, just as alchol is. I am sorry about your past, I hope all is well.

Answer #15

The scientists actually agree with me, and the media is another example of an unreliable source. There have been countless studies that show cannabis use significantly increases the incidence of psychiatric disorders such as schitzophrenia.

Answer #16

So are you saying that stars and planets don’t exist? Because you have never personally SEEN them. So those scientists and the media who report it to you are all wrong. The earth is a cube too…

If you are a spiritual person you will realize that we only use a small portion of our brain, which when induced with THC can give you the mental relaxation to actually accomplish more thought. They say the human mind is capable of almost anything, but when Science starts up everyone shuts off and just says “okay they are right” but sometimes there is a feeling that we have, more so than science. But science even backs up the theory of mental will… Take the lady who had every symptom including swollen breasts and enlarged, and assumingly pregnant stomach, and she finally went to the doctors and they told her there was no child, no fetus, no fetal remains, nothing. she was never pregnant. She believed so strongly that she was pregnant she made it happen. Also children who have cancer. They developed a study through a game that was deveoloped by a juvinile cancer patient. Now days we are too stressed out about life to handle things. Everything is about “reality” what is “real” or the things you see and can prove. If you can take yourself out of your mind trap, which most people can only accomplish in complete zen (helpfully reached by cannibis) then you can do anything. Not everything is bad, no matter how much you squish the pancake, there is still 2 sides to it.

Answer #17

no but drinking does

Answer #18

ok how does that make random stuff posted on the internet any more credible? And when did I say I have to have personally seen something for me to beliee its real? I said I will not just blindly believe something as absurd as cannabis is not harmful without seeing the science to back it up, and it has to be better than just something someone found on google. I want to read the study and be able to see if their methods were reliable, and I want to know the information has been subject to peer review. The media is biased, and the people who work for the media are not scientists. Any decent scientist will be able to publish their studies in scientific journals. And please do not try to give me science lessons - I am halfway through my masters degree in neuroscience.

Answer #19

i wouldnt advise it , you should try to lose weight in a healthy way,yeah it will take more effort and time but the effects of smoking will wear you down and make u look like total crap,whereas u lose the weight bit by bit and u will be healthy and still look great! xx

Answer #20

Someone’s apparently been smoking too much. Nothing in your rant made any sense. Danielle is asking for proof. Something you apparently cannot provide. No one is saying the scientists are wrong. We’re asking WHICH scientists said that. Forgive people for not taking your word about something you heard on some news channel with some scientist saying it was true. Also, we’re not rats you realize? If you knew anything about research you wouldn’t try to say that just because it wasn’t harmful in rats it wont be harmful in humans. And the woman did not make herself pregnant by sheer force of will… she wasn’t pregnant. See to be pregnant, you have to have a fetus growing in you. That is what you call a hysterical pregnancy and is seen in other mammals as well (thus kinda shooting down you mental power theory, unless you think other mammals also have this power?).

Answer #21

Thats a good point about the rats - rats actually have extremely hardy brains. Ours are much more vulnerable.

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