What are side effects to bulimia?

I’ve been struggling for awhile and my doctor told me my bones will get weak and ill get scratches on the back of my throat and my teetch will eventually rot but i was wondering if there were any other effects by making myself throw up?

Answer #1

You want more??? You can die your kidneys will eventually give up ur body will begin breaking down due to lack of nutrients. Take it from a former bulimic ITS NOT COOL.

Answer #2

Yes, your stomach with decrease in size. Not only will your bones be weak but the rest of your body will be. Not sure if you knew this, but when you don’t give your body the nutrition it needs, it will go into survival mode and store all the fats in your body so you can basically keep on living. By storing the fats, thats obviously not going to make you lose weight. I suggest if you do feel the need to lose a few Kilos, than pick up a regular diet while its not to late and begin exercise. Also, its found that fat burns off most while performing activities such as walking and light jogs because it is using a different energy system in the body. Best of luck. Xx

Answer #3

gee, how about Death?

Answer #4

im not trying to be cool i have a poor self image

Answer #5

Bloated face, sensitive (or even rotting) teeth, fowl breath, pale(or yellow) skin, brittle nails/hair, dehydration, weight loss(OR gain), damage to your esophagus, digestive problems, organ damage, stomach ulcers, hormone irregularities, weak muscles, DEATH. If you have bulimia, you really should seek help. Purging is not going to solve any problems you have… it will just give you more. You’re destroying yourself, literally. Physically AND mentally. You are worth more than kneeling over the toilet.

Answer #6

your teeth will rot, your hair will start thinning, everyone will make fun of you if they hear you barfing in the bathroom and then death

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