Should Epsom salts do that?

I got a really bad toe infection not too long ago (about a week) and when I went to the doctor they put me on antibiotic and told me to soak it in epsom salts, well it makes the infection angrier every time I use it and seems to be killing my skin and melting my toenail. Is that normal? Or is that from the infection?

Answer #1

the antibiotic is a pill, I take one two times a day. The salt my mom is handling and she puts it in hot water. and then I soak in there untill the water goes cold.

Answer #2

you might be putting too much salt in there. and yes epsom salt does wonders, it really does help. what exactly are you doing, like how are you applying the antibiotic and what are you doing with the salt?

Answer #3

oh okay. the water has to be WARM. if the water is too hot and you can’t really keep your foot there without suffering then that just might be why it gets like that. it’s extremely sensitive and the temperature is too much for it. and there is still the possibility that your mom is using too much salt thinking that it might make it better quicker but in fact it’s hurting you more. is it better now? I know it’s been a few days?

Answer #4

thanks for the help, it’s been a long time but my foot is all better now lol, turns out that we were using too much after all ^^ I’m up and walking again now. It’s been fine ever since.

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