What should I do if I shaved my facial hair?

Ok so I was home alone and I put on lipgloss because I was dressing up like a Lolita. I get tired of that so I grab a napkin, go to the mirror and take it of harshly. It burns and I k Look in the mirror and get an idea. I decide to shave my girl-facial hair with an electric trimmer! So I do and I look better but the area kind of burns! Is it because of how I took off the lipgloss? And I shaved my facial hair( it wasn’t like a dudes) but if it grows back will it be more noticeable? Will it show more when it grows back and will people know I did it? I’m scared the hair will grow back coarser and I will look like a dude and I will get obsessed with shaving it and I wont stop! Help and yes I probably sound desperate. Btw I put Vaseline on my lips and on my where my facial hair used to be to soothe the stinging .

Answer #1

It’s most likely just razor burn, that will go away in a few days. When the hair grows back it will be a little more noticeable, when you start shaving you can’t stop because it also grows back longer. I recommend you wax it, it doesn’t grow back as fast. When I shaved my eyebrows they grew back within a few days but when I got them waxed it took a little over a week. Good luck!

Answer #2

Did you put the lipgloss on the area it burns? have you used that lipgloss before? is it old? Sorry for the questions but sometimes lipgloss can irritate you it’s old. I wouldn’t shave facial hair that’s the last thing I would do. Just wait until it grows back and if you feel uncomfortable and you think it’s more noticeable then you should have your lip waxed I know girls who get their top lip waxed and after a while noticed the hair is finer and doesn’t cause rough stubble like shaving. If it’s burning you try getting a damp cloth or even a cloth soaked in cold water and press it on your lip for a bit.

Answer #3

Nah I put lipgloss on my lips but I took it off or rather rubbed it off with a napkin. And I really don’t want to wax but about the upper lip hair will people notice? I did this just for curiosity but how long after it doesn’t look that noticeable?

Answer #4

Ah, I doubt the lipgloss is anything to do with it then, probably like Kayla said it’s most likely razor burn. Well when it starts growing back it may look darker but wait until it’s completely grown and see how it is then. but it depends how it was before dark? and you don’t have to wax if you don’t to.

Answer #5

:D thank you!

Answer #6

your hair may come back thicker but not like a dude! just dont do it or if you do, just do it every once in a while and youll be okay. if your on any acne medication or have any skin disorders that could be the reason it burned. and dont keep the vasaline on your skin for too long because it will clog your pores and create bacteria and maybe blemishes!

Answer #7

haha epic fail jks

Answer #8

It wont come back thicker, but because of the way its been cut it may end up being more noticable. So when it grows back I would get it waxed.

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