Who would sell their body to science if you could actually do it?

Answer #1

after i die, my body will be taken apart for organs so sorry science, cant have mine. I would but the people who need good organs deserve it more.

Answer #2

i would if im already dead i could care less what happens to my body

Answer #3

I wouldn’t do that , i would donate them to somebody who needs them.

Answer #4

I’d rather donate my body for my organs to save lives. But if somehow they didn’t need it for that, then year sure science can go for it! Haha I couldn’t care less about what people do with my body after I die. I really don’t understand people who refuse to tick donor on drivers license papers :|. I find the body farm very interesting - where they put bodies in different situations to see how they decompose in order to build a perfect time line of how long it takes certain body types to decompose in different scenarios to aid in mu[rder investigations (to track back using the rate of decomp, to how long ago the victim was mu[rdered).

Answer #5


Answer #6

very good answer

Answer #7

but after i would like some burial or maybe just a head stone

Answer #8

I wouldnt sell my body to science - in my country you dont sell your body anyway, you donate it to science. I dont know if I would donate it, but I wouldnt rule it out. I have been very fortunate to have been able to use donated human bodies to further my own education, so I would keep it in mind. However, I dont think I would, simply because it can be very hard on your family. A body must be taken away bascially as soon as the person dies, so it can be very disruptive to thge grieving process as there is not a great deal of closure for them. I think I would be more likely to donate organs, either to people for transplants, or to science, and I may donate my brain to a research group in my country which studies neuroscience.

Answer #9

science needs bodies too. Without donated bodies, life saving research cannot be conducted.

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