What if schizophrenia causes people to see reality, and people without it are the ones who are not well?

Answer #1

thats an intriguing idea what if the “crazy” people are the only sane ones

Answer #2

Funny you asked this question cause I was about to ask the same thing! I did a little bit of a study on this case.

Answer #3

Everyone views the world differently, I think some people are just crazy, But then again some see things that are actually reality but can’t be proven.

Answer #4

What if I’m the only real person here and all of you are just figments of my imagination ?

Answer #5

My mind can’t wrap around these types of things. Like what if life was all just a dream? And when i die is when i wake up? Creppy stuff.

Answer #6

then welcome to lala land

Answer #7

One’s reality might be another’s ilusion. We all live inside our own fantasies.

Answer #8

i was attacked by a schizophrenic man at the library because the painting that i was waking made his switch flick. the majority of schizophrenics are not aggressive at all, there are more aggressive sane people then insane believe it or not. my point is the fact that the man tried to rip me apart one minute but in a half hour did not remember ever meeting me before and asked if i was using the paint station shows that there is something that they need help with so do not think that we are being inhuman with them

Answer #9

painting i was *making lol sorry i am dyslectic at times

Answer #10

Those people have irrational thoughts…they cannot deal with normal situations…in no way is there reality constructive to a healthy mind or body…They defo aint seeing things right and it is a serious mental illness.

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