Why do rich people have a lot of power?

Answer #1

Cuz the got the money

Answer #2

Money buys influence. The rich can use their money to change the system to work in their favor and once it is changed to work in their favor they make more money giving them even more power.

Left alone this would result in an ever smaller group of people accumulating more wealth and power. This has always been the case though many societies have laws to protect the powerless poor. Since the 1980’s there has been a trend in the US of deregulation and allowing the wealthy accumulate more wealth at the expense of everyone else. Since 1980 real wages for nearly every demographic of Americans has been stagnant or declining in spite of the fact that worker productivity has increased greatly over the same period. The exceptions to this rule are the wealthiest few percentiles of Americans who have seen their fortunes increase several-fold.

Answer #3

Because the money equals power. Think about it. What do we need (a lot) to get what we need AND want? Money. Rich people have it all. Haha.

Answer #4

why are they the most desperate, this! what i really want to know :/

Answer #5

Rich people have money in their hand . And they never mind using it for bribing people sitting at any position to get things done for themselves .

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