would you rather be Rich or Famous?

Answer #1

Rich…and I’d end up giving it all away…

Answer #2

If you were famous, wouldn’t you be rich as well???

Answer #3

XD ahahahaha keep it to yourself!! no givin awayy!

Answer #4

Not necessarily….the Dalai Lama is poor.

Answer #5

if you were really ritch then you could make yourself famous :D


Answer #6

yea i know right? haha thts why im going to be famous!! <3

Answer #7

I have no use for it, but I do so like to give….

Answer #8

goood ideaaa :)

Answer #9

Umm…I would like to have a good bit of money, but not be rich. Why? Because if your rich some people think you will be snooty and stuck up, while saying bad things about you. If I was to be famous I would want to be famous for a book or song I wrote, or for saving someone. I dont want to be famous for other things, cause eventually publicity gets bad and hard on you. I wouldnt mind acting if it wasnt for people looking to put you down or make you look bad.

Answer #10


Answer #11

hmm, I would rather be happy…but if I could only choose one then I would choose to be rich so I could help all sorts of charities…like battered woman shelters, battered children shelters, the homeless shelters, drug addiction shelters & donate to all sorts of illnesses such as cancer because we all know at least 1 person in our circle that has this & it just kills me that they still dont have a cure for it…i know at least 3 people suffering from this battle and if i was rich i would def try to help in any way I can. Also ST.Jude…who help children get the medical attention they need regardless to the cost! Another is aids…and another is for something I rather not talk about so it doesnt cause any issues on here! another would be adoption agencies…making it easier for women that want to have a baby but cant or other fertility offices! what ever would be left i would help my closest family (parents & brother) then if there would be any left then i would make all my dreams come true…

Answer #12

Psh why not both?

Answer #13

Depends what kind of famous you mean. I think it would be fun to be a movie star and you get money from that. But not involving acting or singing at all then I’d rather be rich

Answer #14

I’d want to be rich. That way I could make a difference in my community and start up some things that truly help people, especially for when the government fails them. I’d share the wealth, spread the love. =)

Answer #15

Rich and I’d use it to enjoy life even more.

Answer #16

Well now a days, most of the famous people are rich.

Answer #17

If I worked for it I’d like to be rich. As long as it didn’t go to my head

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