do you know one reason to follow one specific holiday or celebration?

Answer #1

I celebrate most holidays because it means family and spending time with them. Im an athiest, but i still celebrate christmas, just not the religious side of it. I still spend time with my family, decorate, have presents from santa, and celebrate.

Answer #2

We only make a big deal out of halloween in my family. The other holidays are celebrated somewhat but we really dont care for them.

Answer #3

Yes, Christmas. For the presents :P :P

Answer #4

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ who would grow up to become the Savior of all who put their faith and trust in Him and follow Him. He would give His life as the payoff for all of the debt we ran up with God through sin. It is not believed that Jesus was actuall born on December 25, but that is when we celebrate it.

Answer #5

Good Friday, which is the Friday b4 Easter, is the day Jesus died. We do not exactly celebrate His death (although we should). Good Friday services are more like funerals. However, when He died, they didnt know He would be raised again, although they had been told.

Answer #6

Easter is the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead after dying on the cross from our sins. The significance of this is that if Jesus had stayed dead, He would not have conquered sin and death. Easter is often caled by some Christians “Ressurection Sunday” to represent the true meaning of the holiday. “Easter” has become to many people just a time of celebration of spring and candy.

Answer #7

Palm Sunday, the sunday b4 easter is the celebration of Jesus’s triumphial entry into Jerusalem. People lined the streets yelling and saying “Hosanah, hosanah, blesssed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” And such things. This was like a parade for one. Nothing facny. Jesus rode a little donkey with cloaks as a saddle. The people used palm leaves like streamers, waving them and laying them on the road (along with their cloaks) like a red carpet. They were doing their best to honor Jesus and love Him.

Answer #8

Halloween, now i dont know this for absolute certain but i am pretty sure, is a celebration of witches and goblins and other satanic things. Made into a mdern day holiday (which i think is stupid seeing as holiday really means HOLY DAY), where kids dress up and go get candy and get spooked.

Answer #9

I don’t Celebrate Any “Holidays”, Simply because their pagan and theirs no reason to celebrate something that a lot of people don’t know the origin to. an example, Mothers day, why do people go out and get something nice for their mom, grandma, and tell them they love them, when they can do that everyday? Everyday you can tell your mom, grandma “I love you, thanks for giving me life” its sad only on specific days people remember. It goes the same for valentines day, fathers day etc. And for Christmas..mmmh well Jesus Was Not born in December do I dont know why people celebrate that. People should put more tough into what they do.

Xoxo Heidi

Answer #10

I don’t Celebrate Any “Holidays”, Simply because their pagan and theirs no reason to celebrate something that a lot of people don’t know the origin to. an example, Mothers day, why do people go out and get something nice for their mom, grandma, and tell them they love them, when they can do that everyday? Everyday you can tell your mom, grandma “I love you, thanks for giving me life” its sad only on specific days people remember. It goes the same for valentines day, fathers day etc. And for Christmas..mmmh well Jesus Was Not born in December do I dont know why people celebrate that. People should put more tough into what they do.

Xoxo Heidi

Answer #11

Oops didn’t mean to post it twice.

Answer #12

what about easter and good friday and halloween(which is pagan lol). many hollidays are actually Christian NOT pagan so yeah. you should put more thought into what you say when you dont really know that much about what ur talking about.

Answer #13

Ok give me a Christian Holiday and Biblical verses.

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