Qusetions for Atheist

What was in the beginning? How does an atheist determine what is moral or immoral, right or wrong. Is there any objective standard or principles? How does atheism view religions and religious faith? What about metaphysics? Is atheism purely materialistic and naturalistic? Don’t get mad plzz I just what to know thanks for your answers

Answer #1

I’ll answer from my perspective, since “atheist” is a wide umbrella that includes many religious people (such as Buddhists).

  1. What was in the beginning?

    • Something natural, but in a different form than the present
  2. How does an atheist determine what is moral or immoral, right or wrong.

    • The same way theists do. From society.
  3. Is there any objective standard or principles?

    • No.
  4. How does atheism view religions and religious faith?

    • I view religions as primarily social organizations. The religious beliefs are secondary.
  5. What about metaphysics?

  • Some atheists embrace nontheistic metaphysics, but I don’t
  1. Is atheism purely materialistic and naturalistic?
  • Often yes
Answer #2

If we assume there is a beginning to reality (not just the universe) then it is probably some form of singularity or something else. We’re not entirely sure, but these are good predictions based on the evidence. Of course, we know so little about time that it is possible there was no beginning. Iam an atheist I believe in “The Big Bang Theory”.

There is a popular but mistaken perception among religious theists that irreligious atheists have no good reason to be moral and, therefore, cannot be as moral as religious theists. Usually this misunderstanding is expressed as an abstract principle, removed from practical consequences; here, however, we have a myth that is just such a practical application of that misunderstanding. It’s also completely untrue: atheists DO KNOW what is moral or immoral, right or wrong were not dumb we are still people.

Some say you must have “faith” to be an atheist just as one must have faith to worship Jesus. But atheism is not a positive belief system at all. It merely rules out belief in God and the supernatural. Atheism is no more a religion than “a-Santa-Claus-ism” is. It is possible and desirable for an atheist to build a system of beliefs rooted in the evidence and integrated by reason. Such beliefs do not compose a religion, either, nor are they expressions of religious faith.

Answer #3

Wow, this thread further proves my belief that Athiests are completely idiotic and hypocritical!

As usual, you have NO IDEA what you’re talking about, and you can’t even ATTEMPT to validate your opinion. Which means it’s worthless.

Answer #4

Wow, this thread further proves my belief that Athiests are completely idiotic and hypocritical! love it. Dont bother bashing me, I definetly won’t be returning to this ONCE AGAIN pointless, idiotic athiest dominated thread.

Kyra112- if you don’t have anything constructive to add to the conversation, can you just not post anything? It doesn’t make you look cool, it’s not ‘clever’ or ‘witty’, and it doesn’t amuse anyone.

Now, to get to the original questions:

As an atheist, I believe in the big bang theory- simply because science has proven it to be a more likely scenario than an deity creating the universe. But as Arachnid has pointed out, atheists are not afraid to simply say ‘I don’t know’, as opposed to just falling back on some story with no evidence to back it up.

Morality is not something that you get solely from religion- it is taught to us via our parents/caregivers, family members, teachers, and society in general. I believe in simply causing no harm to others and living your life the best you know how is good enough for me.

My personal views on religion are simply I don’t believe in any deity. Other people can believe what they like, and provided they don’t try to convert me, or insult my lack of faith, I am quite happy to live in harmony with them. Faith is a personal thing.

Answer #5

tseirpeht - lol. you know (or at least I hope you know) that the laws based on a bibilical foundation that I am talking about would be regarding pro-choice, homosexual marriage, etc.

Though you would like to think that the only reason people should not lie, cheat, kill or steal is because it says so in the bible…most of us know that those are based on reason, ethics and justice. It is wrong to commit murder, period. Not just because the bible says so.

If you want law based on religious view, then I ask which religion? The law must protect and govern ALL the people, not just those subscribing to right-wing fundamentalist beliefs.

Answer #6

How do you know that we are wrong to believe that abortion is murder? What makes you so absolutly certain that a fetus is not human life? Because it can not sustain life on its own? My son is 2 and a half and he can’t survive on his own either, does that make him any less human then you or me?

Answer #7

Regarding the origin of the universe, we don’t know for sure - but we believe it’s okay to say “I don’t know”. Sometimes no answer is better than a bad one.

Regarding morality: There is no objective basis for morality; morality is what we make it. Most of us believe in a societal contract that ensures the greatest good for the greatest number of people, more or less according to the golden rule: Act in such a way that you would wish for everyone else to act the same.

It’s also worth pointing out that theists don’t have an objective basis for morality, either: The bible contains many varied and conflicting rules, and any theist is forced to pick and choose. On what basis do you pick and choose? I haven’t seen many people stoning their children for being insolent recently, but that’s required in the bible.

Most atheists are also materialists (in the sense that we have no reason to believe there is anything outside the natural world) and naturalists (we believe everything has a natural, rather than supernatural, explanation).

Answer #8

Again, tseirpeht, you don’t get it. Do you actually read the answers or do you just skim them? I said that YOUR religious views should not be the political policy that governs me. That this is a nation of diversity and that not ALL americans are right wing fundamentalists. Vote however you feel.

Answer #9

No I was told that religious views should not be used to influence my decision on political philosophy.

Regarding your ‘abortion is murder’ issue: No, you shouldn’t be using the RELIGION to influence your decision, you should be using a DICTIONARY.

Answer #10

“How do you know that we are wrong to believe that abortion is murder?”

Wait, what? Since when was this a discussion about abortion? Or is this just a blatant attempt to derail the conversation?

Answer #11

Their morality is based on their own world view, what they perceive to be good and bad this is usually unfortunetly set by society , the culture and the media. As Christians we are so fortunate to have God’s word, which is the same yesterday, today and will be tomorrow. We are not influenced by the tides of society. Blessings

Answer #12

Derail the conversation? Have you been paying attention? No I was told that religious views should not be used to influence my decision on political philosophy. How is it that a human life is political?

Answer #13

We are not influenced by the tides of society. Blessings

Oh, so you still have slaves, and oppress your women, hmmm?

Answer #14

What is the problem with basing law on religious view? Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, should those be removed because they are religious?

Answer #15

people that are atheist believ that in the beginning a single celed atom exploded and created th unierse and they tbaliev in evoulution

Answer #16

Heck, half the atheist on this site believe we should have no rights, and offer no value to society what so ever. I am sure they secretly wish for natural selection to kill us off.

When did you decide to start playing the victim? Besides, mankind, with their advancements in technology, medicine, and a nearly global structured society (in some form or another), is by definition UNNATURAL, virtually immune to ‘natural’ selection.

What is the problem with basing law on religious view? Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, should those be removed because they are religious?

Sorry, but Christianity & Judaism don’t get to monopolize the concept of ‘killing and stealing’ being wrong.

Answer #17

*“Some of them accept religion, but most of them in large have an intollerance for the Christian and Jewish people.”

No, many atheists and intelligent believers have an intolerance for self-righteous judmental attitudes and the constant threat of eternal damnation if we don’t talk, act and think as you.

*“Heck, half the atheist on this site believe we should have no rights, and offer no value to society what so ever.”

No, some atheists just believe that fundamentalists of any religion should not try to dictate law based on their limited religious views. That fundamentalists should accept separation of church and state and not try to make the rest of us dance to their tune.

*“I am sure they secretly wish for natural selection to kill us off.”

No, but a little more cranial evolution would be appreciated.

Answer #18

They have some videos on youtube that demonstraight the universe forming. It was some kind of explosion that caused the universe to start expanding. I don’t think that many of them are materialisitic, like bees in nature they believe that everyone plays a part in the progression of society. That is where their laws come from. I still don’t understand how non living became living. Some of them accept religion, but most of them in large have an intollerance for the Christian and Jewish people. Heck, half the atheist on this site believe we should have no rights, and offer no value to society what so ever. I am sure they secretly wish for natural selection to kill us off.

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