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Pubic Shaving
So, I’ve shaved my pubes before…but..it kinda sucked…a lot actually. It hurt for days. Now I’ve heard after the first couple of times it stops doing that. but I let mine grow all the way back and…I dont want to go through that again, it was horrible. Is there any way I can make it so it doesnt do that?
It is probably hurting cause your shaving it a little to hard and your skin down there is a bit sensitive than you though,give it another try but this time shave it 1 step softer,hope it works out.
After you get done shaving, use a deoderant stick (like Secret), on it…for whatever reason, it works to keep the itching, and the prickling from starting (and the rash)…
trim it first because it WILL hurt if you have it grown out all long and such. make sure you’re not shaving it dry. if you are use a small electric razor. like one of the little mini ones. don’t shave too fast either
if it does do all that, it WILL go away after a few times.
if you want. and your skin is sensitive. try an electric shaver with a senstive hypoalergenic aftershave. you dont really need shaving cream when using an electric shaver. when you use a razor. your actually cutting off some skin. but using an electric shaver with sensitive skin would be the best way to do it. also aftershave is good. so you wont get any infections if your accidently cut urself. and will stop itchyness.
Well yeah it does hurt if you shave fast go slow & use shaving cream
I think you should just trim it will be a hll lot easier and less ichy and painful. thats what my boyfriend does.
try using an electric shaver becareful :)
uhhmmm use shaving creme. and if you want its better to trim usually
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