Would you have a problem supporting the legalization of Marijuana in your state or country?

Answer #1

I have nothing against it. I think people should be able to smoke it if they want to, and it could make a large profit as well in the country. I think it ought to be sold like alcohol, with an age restriction, and behind the counter.

Answer #2

nope. ive done it and will not do it again unless it is legal.

Answer #3

Yes, it would cause too much mayhem and national problems. Dru.g cartels would increase and have great profits. If the nation provides that nation can create taxes for the utilization of the drug, even possession. Since not many countries allow laws like this, the nation legalizing would have an increase of illegal immigrants. Dru.gs would rage on to a further extent. My classmates would be a little happier, but they are not aware of the problems this could cause. It can have catastrophic and deadly results. Even if marijuana is not as unhealthy as alcohol, it still has side effects that are dangerous.

Answer #4

I’m all for it. Too many people are sitting in j.ail because of nonviolent marijuana crimes. Too many tax dollars are being spent on hunting down these “criminals”. Too many seriously ill cancer patients are in pain, and throwing up. Too many otherwise innocent people have criminal records. Cigarettes are legal. Alcohol is legal. Why not marijuana? Is it really that much worse than alcohol? However, it would be so hard to tax because it’s relatively easy to grow on your own, and it would hurt the lumber industry, so I don’t think it will ever be 100% legal. At least not in the US.

Answer #5

I oppose its use while it is illegal to use it.
. However, I am in favour of all illegal drügs being made legal and supplied on demand, by the health & law enforcement agencies, free of charge to anyone stupid enough to use them.
. That would, at least, reduce the number of criminals supplying the stuff, and the number of users committing crime in order to get the money to buy it. .

– Best wishes - Majikthise. .

Answer #6

Why would drug cartels increase and have great profits? If marijuana went legit, you wouldn’t have to buy it from a drug cartel, you could get it at other places.

Answer #7

I am all for it. If people can choose to smoke there lungs away with cigs, cause cancerous sores inthere mouthes with chew, get wasted and kill there livers with alchol, why can’t they smoke a lil Ganja and make the world a better place? It obviouly doesnt HURT seeings as they perscribe it to CANCER patients and people with depression. Its a upper not a downer like ALchyy… And if you have the right to sign your life off to the government and army, and take a daily risk of killing yourself and others in vehicles, then why not? Its no where near as dangerous. I made a post like this about a month ago and they removed it because it became such a debate, haha.

Answer #8

NOOOOOO WAYYYYYY! NOOOOO PROBLEM!!!!! The only prob i would have is the cost and the amount you are allowed to have. Once it is legalized, people will capitalize on it and it may get quite costly. Also, it should be treated like alcohol, although alcohol is worse. There should be regulations as to where, when and how much you can use or transport.

Answer #9

there are more accidents related to drinking alcohol than using marijuana, so i’m all for legalizing it!

Answer #10

Almost exactly what I was going to say. I wasn’t going to say free, but I can see how it’s a better idea for it all to be. In any case, it’ll stimulate the economy: snacks.

Answer #11

i dont understand why its not legalized already, i mean theres books, merchendise about it, everyone knows about it , alot do it. alcohol is leagal, so is tobacco and if weed is also used for medicail reasons i just dont understand why its not legal already.

Answer #12

Nothing you state here makes any sense. It would reduce crime, not increase it. It would move it off the black market and would be able to be taxed and regulated. It is far less dangerous than tabacco and alcohol. There is no logical reason it is illegal.

Answer #13

Once it is legalized people will capitalize on it? They’re already doing that. And since it is illegal, they dont have much of competition. They can tack on whatever price they want to it. It’s like alcohol during prohibition.

Answer #14

Exactly what I was trying to say, but way better articulated. :D

Answer #15

I do not want to see it leaglized becuse i know how it effects people, I worked with some people in the Navy who used it and saw a few get off it. When you mind is messed up you have no idea about how bad it is. it is like when you processer in your computer is messed up and your computer does funny things taht you know are wrong, but the computer does not know.

Answer #16

The question is not what it does to you, it is whether it is less harmful than alcohol and tabacco, which are legal. And the answer is yes, it is much less harmful and should be legal.

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