Can you press charges on someone for makeing online profiles using your name and pictures?

such as facebook, twitter, myspace, etc?

Answer #1

You can report them for inpersonating you or someone you know on the first social site. You listned just scroll down to the bottom of their profile page and it should say “Report/Block this person”

Answer #2

But if it keeps happening can you press charges or get the law involved?

Answer #3

I would guess you would have to go into that with facebook go to the help center there

Answer #4

idk, like if you know who is doing it then maybe, but that happened to me a couple years ago with myspace, some1 idk who made 1 of me and all it was creepy b/c they had a pic of me at work and i dont even remember any1 taking a pic of me. so just keep reporting it, and try to email facebook and tell them what is going on

Answer #5

It depends on why they’re doing it and what they get out of it.

Answer #6

i think that would constitute identity thefy and fraud. You could call your local police about it.

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