Why am I around so many people I hate?

Answer #1

Maybe there in your life because you still have something to learn from them?

Answer #2

Because you probably hate a lot of people. Be open to everyone and don’t judge people by first impressions- that way you’ll hate less people and therefore not be around people you hate as often.

Answer #3

If there are around you only people which you hate then you have to love them but if there are people to love then why don’t you avoid these and love the others !!!!

Answer #4

Because you are unable to voice yourself is my guess….You do with out good reason things that need reason to the ones you hate ,which causes you to hate more no doubt?..you are young and when you grow up you will realise hate is only in the thoughts of an unreasonable person(well 99%of the time). Anyone or thing i have ever dis-liked or found to be horrible,disgusting or just ugly…i still don’t hate….the only things ever i could hate are material as everything else is much more complicated than just hate.To hate some one is unreasonable unless that person is a pure cold evil law breaking human rights taking scummbag,i reckon.

Answer #5

If everyone around you is an a$$hole, then you are probably the a$$hole.

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