who knows if pot will be legalized in Houston?

Answer #1

Around the same time we eliminate the death penalty, hopefully never.

Answer #2

idk it is no longer a crim offense in cali

Answer #3

texas is pretty strict on drug use/possession so I’m guessing it won’tt anytime soon

Answer #4

I hope tha too. Who wants to legalize something that will f*ck all of us up?

Answer #5


Answer #6

Probably not for a while, California will probably be the first to legalize, and chances are when they finally do other states will go along with the trend, either way it will be legal eventually, there’s no getting around that. The amount of money the government can pull in from taxes is insane, and considering it’s less harmful then alcohol and tobacco, it’ll happen soon. For anyone against pot, go find the movie The Union and open your eyes. If you refuse to watch it you’re just being stubborn and are afraid your beliefs may be shattered, all those tales they tell you in elementary school aren’t true. And if you’re thinking in you’re head, “what about the children? All our kids will be smoking up!” look at it this way, when I was in high school, it was much, much easier for me to get pot then alcohol. For pot I would walk out front of the school, alcohol was next to impossible for me to get when I was young, if the government legalizes and regulates it there will be laws and rules in place that will keep it out of the hands of kids like they have done with alcohol.

Answer #7

yea it is it wasnt legalized

Answer #8

i just think its pretty dumb how any states could legalize it but people would still get in trouble for it because it is a federal crime so it doesnt even matter your still going to be doing something illegal even if your state said its not ..if u get caught by the dea or sum1 from the fed gov ur screwed lol

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