What will be the most popular and hard to find toy this Christmas?

Answer #1

i am thinking that xbox kinect. it seems like its going to be something big.

Answer #2

Imaginex Big Foot The Monster gets my vote. If you havent seen this toy you should look it up, its extremely cool. It seems the stores believe it will be a hot seller too since it has a big display in most stores that offer toys. Its a bigfoot that walks, does summersaults, sleeps, growls, and a bunch more. They run about $100.

Answer #3

im thinkin a unicorn

Answer #4

Wow. I haven’t seen it the big foot monster. I remember the tickle me elmo days where it was impossible to find one. Or when the PS3 came out and people where paying like a thousand dollars for one. My 5 year old want’s that FurReal GoGo my walking pup, they just lowered the price at Wal-Mart from $54 to $49 but I am gonna wait till Black Friday.

Answer #5

A real one? lol…That will rock. But it could be dangerous and only girls can ride it since guys will look gay riding a unicorn.

Answer #6

I think it is funny how we wait all year and then splurge on X-mas. It is such a commercial holiday, it seems that some people will put their families in great debt this time of the year, just to struggle and fight the year to follow. I’m not saying that we do celebrate Christmas, but I do feel it is way to commercialized.

Answer #7

if ur thinking phones.. probably the new Droid2.. but who knows..

Answer #8

sounds pretty big to me too

Answer #9

I want that!

Answer #10

Hahaha Ben! XD

Answer #11

My youngest son is terrified of that thing, however he likes “Stinky” the talking, moving, dancing garbage truck. lol

Answer #12

Buzz lightyear if you are talking about like children(most likely 10 year old boys.)

Answer #13

THis is a toy?

Answer #14

for sure this isn’t a toy but it depends on your definition of toy? gosh i sound so old… :/

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