What is the worst policy President Barack Obama has ever made?

Answer #1

i dnt know what do u think i shte worst policy he ever made…….i voted for him

Answer #2

He is like a hero in Indonesia, but I heard lots of unsatisfied people protesting. I am just being curious.

Answer #3

is he muslim and ive been hearing a lot of things as well weird things

Answer #4

He’s Christian.

Answer #5

haha, no hes not.

Answer #6

Health care reform is my biggest disappointment. He watered it down so much trying to get bipartisan support that it is no where near as good as it could have been if the Democrats just made the best bill they could, passed it through budget reconciliation (which they ended up doing anyway) and took all the credit for it.

Likewise the stimulus bill could have been much better if it was entirely spending but trying to get Republicans on board they made 1/3 of it tax cuts which will do much less to stimulate the economy than spending the money on infrastructure projects.

Conservatives have declared a cultural war against the left but the left is still doing the same mamby-pamby can’t we all just get along stuff that leads to the Republicans walking all over us.

Watch in 2 years when the deficit is blown wide open because of the tax cuts the Republicans demanded they will blame President Obama for running it up.

Answer #7

He’s Muslim…?

Answer #8

The one where everbody has to have insurance some people cant afford insurance.

Answer #9

more likely.

Answer #10

Who cares? It could be worse. Bush thought he was hearing messages from God.

Answer #11

lol, america has the weirdest leaders, apparently.

Answer #12

Practically every policy he has supported has been bad…he supports lazy people who don’t know how to work hard for what they want!!

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