What's the point of going to the beach if you don't go in the water?

Answer #1

It’s still nice to sit on the shoreline in the sun and enjoy the breeze coming off the water. I never go in the water and I love the beach.

Answer #2

playing in the sand, tanning, picnic, sports, walking around half naked without being called a sluzzy lol

Answer #3

Making sand castles, sea shells, burying people. Some folks can’t swim or don’t like salty water

Answer #4

To tan, hang out with friends, and just chill!

Answer #5

Some people aren’t confident in the sea for many reasons so they prefer to just tan or play on the sand area. Also some people do not want to ruin their hair/makeup ect.. the beach is just as fun as the sea in my opinion :)

Answer #6

Well it doesn’t really matter if you go in the water or not. You’re enjoying yourself just laying on a towel or beach chair, having your feet on/in the warm sand. Listening to the waves crash and watching people enjoy themselves who do go in the water. Mainly I go in the water, or just play in the sand or just lay there and enjoy my time, relaxing c;

Answer #7

Tanning, going to the little shops, just the natural relaxation of the beach.. Hanging out with friends, seeing hot guys with their clothes off, playing in the sand.. stufffff likeee thatttt(:

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