How do you plan a big baptism party without getting stressed?

Answer #1

Have someone do it for you? :P

Answer #2

First, make sure you don’t wait last minute! Start planning as soon as possible. What I would do is make a bunch of lists (a list of what to get, what foods to serve, who to invite, etc). That way, you’ll be reminded of what you need to do. Is the party at your house? If so, have you thought about decorations? Get everything sorted out, and ask a family member if they have any other ideas.

Answer #3

Take a piece of paper and a pencil, make list of guests. On the other leaf make list of food you want to serve to your guests. Go to the even organizer and have it don, or invite your relatives to help you prepare it.

Answer #4

Not helpful

Answer #5

Pray :)

Answer #6

Pray :) give your worrys to the Lord, it is a baptism party after all

Answer #7

Pray :) give your worrys to the Lord, it is a baptism party after all

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