What is your personal opinion of the United States?

Answer #1

We don’t have the best economy at the moment, but I’d say I’m glad I’m here…lots of things are open to us. :)

Answer #2

FTP-for anyone who knows what I’m talking about….It’s a George Lopez thing, if you don’t get it….

Answer #3

I love it here. It’s amazing.

Answer #4

We have our ups and downs. I’ll be the first to admit that thhere’s a lot that we could improve on still, and a lot to learn from foreign governments on how to treat our citizens better. But honestly, I couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. I know there’s a lot of hatred and stereotypes associated with being an American, but it’s really not too terrible. We’re not all bad people; there’s actually a lot of us that try to be passionate and forward-thinking. As with all countries, we have our good and our bad sides. Truth be told, I’m proud to be an American.

Answer #5

I like the USA, I like US-Americans - most of them. I think you have a lot of cool people over there.

Some details about USA are weird to me. But that’s just a culture thing. The world would be boring if everyone was all the same.

The only thing about your country that I really do not like is your foreign politics. :-)

Answer #6

It’s alright I guess. It’s cool how you guys have a lot of novelty things. I’ve never been to the US, so I can’t really comment for sure. I would imagine everything is ‘bigger’ in a way… than in NZ. When I think of America, I think of patriotic overweight parents teaching their kids to ride a bike on streets that have taken over natural forests. I know thats not 100% accurate… but it’s the picture we are given from watching TV shows and movies portraying the ‘average American family’. It’s the picture you give to us.

Answer #7

Personally? Sexy guys…. hhhmm… LOL

Answer #8

There are aspects of other cultures and countries that I greatly admire and I’m very critical of many of the things the US has done over the years but even with its flaws I think the US does more things right than any other country and there is no other country I would choose above it.

Answer #9

It is a place that I would rather not spend the rest of my life in. Our freedom has been pretty much taken away from us. I do not like our government system it is to mixed up. I would love to live in a Capitalist government like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Everybody gets a long there. And I would like to go back to the country where I descended from.

Answer #10

Nicole, you really think France, Germany, and UK are more capitalist than the US? In the US anyone one tick to the left of some imagined libertarian ideal is considered a socialist. The Democratic party in the US is far to the right of most conservative parties in Europe and the UK. The social democracies you mention provide universal healthcare, free or at least inexpensive secondary education, a year or more maternity leave for new mothers, 6 or 8 weeks of paid vacation/year by law, and unemployment insurance that pays 80% of the unemployed’s regular wages and lasts over a year. Nobody in the US could suggest anything close to what those governments provide for their citizens and still be elected.

Answer #11

The US is a big place. You would get a far different impression of it from visiting New England, deep South, mid-West, SouthWest, or West coast. Each area is almost like another country.

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