Why can't a person put date of birth or gender on a resume?

Answer #1

to avoid age discrimination and sex discrimination

Answer #2

really? wow. I always put my date of birth on my resume

Answer #3

A person can put those things on their resume if they want. When applying for a job that has specific requests, then your resume will not be entertained. “Follow the Instructions”

Answer #4

tbh, i think you can…it’s more like you can’t say what age you are.. i remember my teacher saying that lol :L

Answer #5

When I write a resume, I write one for each job I apply for, and I try to fit the job with my skills. If I look and the job and I do not have the skill set for it, I do not write a resume. This is why they say looking for a job can be a full time job. Last time I was looking for employment I think I might have re written my resume over 100 times.

Answer #6

You can if you want to.. They usually can tell what gender you are by your name, and sometimes it’s good to put your date of birth so they don’t think you’re younger than you actually are. I would avoid putting your race though. But as far as d.o.b/gender goes, I don’t see why you shouldn’t.

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