Could a person with depression develop bi-polar disorder?

Answer #1

Possible. Anyone could develop that disorder, depending on the circumstances. But people who already have a psychological disorder are a little more likely to develop another.

Answer #2

Possibly. I don’t know about anyone developing bipolar disorder, there is a genetic component to bipolar disorder and I don’t think you can develop disorder if you don’t have the right combination of genes, but it is possible.

Answer #3

No Bi-polar disorder is due to a chemical imbalance, that is why like lithium carbonate are used to create that proper balance. With having bi-polar disorder you have the downs of depression but also manic upswings and nearly all of your emotions are very very severe. Also bi-polar disorder is something that you are born with but it usually isnt diagnosed until you are a teen or young adult.

Answer #4

well ive been depressed for over 2 years and have lately been experiencing phases when im hyper, make more plans, clean excessively, and am extremely happy and just can’t slow down for about 2 days. but then l get extremely depressed(more than usual) so thats why is was thinking it could be possible i could be developing something…

Answer #5

As far as I know you can have a genetic predisposition to bipolar but environmental factors contribute also. Though most people I know who had depression, and then bipolar had just been given the wrong diagnosis initially

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