Why do people shy away from answering questions from reporters?

Answer #1

The real reason is Reporters don’t duplicate well. Either they or someone in the office who does the actual writing alters the statement “for their own news importance” to sell newspapers, or grab attention. If any reporter or anyone would write or repeat a statement word for word the group followers would have a different viewpoint. But “NEWS” wants attention, so what can they do to pull in that sale. Tabloids are a very good examples of what reporters do. Look at any public figure, or noted person, or actor, or sports figure. To some degree it maybe, but look at how they stretch it way out of proportion.

Answer #2

because either, they are not used to it or they don’t want to be ashed if not correct.

Answer #3

Not totally true. I’m not just saying this cuz he is my dad but… My dad has never lied he has even told me that.

Answer #4

Lack of self convidence or hiding something….

Answer #5

Because they twist facts and report wrong info

Answer #6

personally, i think people do not trust the media totally. they tend to think the media would twist whatever they say.

Answer #7

Because they definitely twist your original words, often making it something you didn’t even say. I remember submitting a photo to our local news station for a photo contest, and I EXACTLY remember telling them that I took the photo in my front yard. When my photo came on air, she said that I took the photo off of my porch. I don’t even have a porch!

I’ve never agreed to say or submit anything ever since.

Answer #8

Endorse it in toto. Pragmatic answer.

Answer #9

You are very correct. Thank you.

Answer #10

May be the sub-editors embellish a little and the whole report goes haywire and changes into something what the person originally said. And the sub-editors do not care to correct their mistaken write up.

Answer #11

Because reporters are like women. they take your answer and swing it around to impact negatively on you. You look beautiful tonight honey! “So i dont look beautiful other than tonight?” Dont trust the reporters.

Answer #12

Sir, she is only trying to provoke you to continue the conversation so that both of you will be in touch with each other – Men are normally a little taciturn and thereby lost touch. So, by twisting things around like Spike Milligan, she keeps you going. She simply loves you, Sir !

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