Why are people rioting in London?

Answer #1

Because someone shot at a police and the police killed him and all the riots in London happen because people want to loot the shops.

Answer #2

A police officer was shot at by a man, but the man missed and the police officer then went on to shoot back (the other guy would probably try again anyway, so in my opinion he was perfectly entitled to do so) and ended up killing the man.

People initally started peacefully protesting, but it turned violent and groups of people used it as a chance to loot shops and just generally cause lots of destruction (buildings and cars have all been burnt in the process). Basically, people have just jumped on the bandwagon and probably don’t even care about the root cause.

The riots have spread to Birmingham, Liverpool and several other places as well.

Answer #3

That’s pretty horrible. People burning houses and hospitals and opportunists coming out to steal

Answer #4

Because people have nothing better to do. There is no need for people to riot over something so simple as a police officer doing his/her job. If you don’t want to be shot, don’t shoot at a cop.. just a suggestion. Anyways, peaceful protests to commemorate the man who was shot turned into riots when stupid people decided they were going out just cause trouble. They are adrenaline junkies looking for a rush, and have nothing better to do than to cause trouble for everyone else.

Answer #5

It is a terrible situation and it says so much about the people who take part in these things. I believe the family of the man who got shot have said themseles that they are devastated by the reaction this has caused.

Answer #6

i just watched the news and they showed a boy being beaten up by rioters, who was saved by some bystanders, who then stole everything out of his backpack!

Answer #7

How it was explained to me by someone who lives there is that there is a generation of “Do Nothings” that just want to sit around and have the government support them. Now they are mad because Brittain is cutting back welfare programs.

Answer #8

R-I-O-T-S. Real Idiots On The Streets

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