What's your most painful sunburn experience and how did you deal with it?

Just wondering because I just spent a whole day in the sun, and I’m taking accutane ATM, so I’m supposed to wear sunscreen because it thins my skin, but I for got it. And now I have a burn so bad it hurts to shower. Right now I have smothered myself in aloe vera gel, wrapped my lower body in a blanket and sitting infront of my ac. So my upper body isn’t getting super cold while my legs stay warm haha.

Answer #1

LOL well, i live right on the beach and i spend tons of time in the sun but i wear lots of sunblock because weirdly i’m pretty darn pale most of the time. So when i was like 10 i didn’t wear any sun block and the sun was terrible and i was out surfing and swimming the WHOLE DAY! and i got 2nd degree burns on my back, I couldnt even sleep most of the time. I was in constant pain and my back got these big blisters and most of my back was the color yellow instead of red and it was just terrible. I couldnt even keep my back straight when i walked i had to stay all hunched over.

Answer #2

Mine was over spring break this year. I went to Key West Florida, and I was so excited to lay on the beach all day and tan. I only put some sunscreen on my face because I don’t usually ever burn, but that was a huge mistake. My entire body ended up super burnt. It was the most painful thing ever haha, I’m sorry you’re going through this now because it sucks! I used tons of aloe vera too, and everything finally stopped hurting like a week later.

Answer #3

Ouchh, if I blister I’m gonna be so rattled haha.

Answer #4

Haha thanks! And oh great, a week of this sounds awesome!

Answer #5

i once burned so bad at colorado river that i had blisters. i took a shower as hot as i could stand it (and cried!), then i took a cool shower and used a whole jar of noxema on it

Answer #6

On my nose in Nags Head for vacation… It hurt SO BAD.. Basically I had to stay inside because my entire nose had blistered over and I didn’t realize by peeling the blister off that it made it more vulnerable…so the rest of vacation was kind of ruined :/…. My second worst one, though, was at band camp freshman year. I didn’t realize just how sunny it was my first day of band camp because I was a stupid freshman lol… I was bright red :/ and I’m so pale anyway…

Answer #7

Why would you take a hot shower?

Answer #8

I spent the day on a yaht on a 35 degree celcius day (in a country right under the hole in the ozone layer, with the radiation reflecting off the water AND the yaht) and forgot to put on sunblock somehow. I looked like a tomato. The skin on my forehead blistered so badly. I thought I could hide it by cutting a fringe. Only there is a reason that hair stylists exist - I should never cut my hair under any circumstances. I ended up with a wonky fringe that was too short to cover the blisters. I used a lot of aloe vera gel!

Answer #9

hot showers lift the sting out of your skin. you stay in as long as you can (5 minutes max) as hot as you can stand it, and when you come out your burn is cooler. i know it sounds weird but its an old home remedy that really works.

Answer #10

I went to Puerto Rico in the beach for about an hour

Answer #11

Mine was just over a month ago. I laid out in the sun for 3ish hours. I thought I would be fine, seeing as how I wasn’t in any pain and wasn’t too burned that day. That night and the next day, the burn REALLY started showing up. Even looking at the pics now make me cringe >. .< AND I WAS IN CONSTANT PAIN. IT NEVER WENT AWAY. :| Sitting, lying down, standing…all hurt. Yeah this didn’t help you much. Sorry. .__.

Answer #12

Haha it’s ok, mine is going away nice right now. My second day in and it’s already looking/feeling a lot better compared to what it was last night :)

Answer #13

Well I hope you start feeling even better! Sunburns are the worstttt.

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