Overweight problem, what exercises to do?

well.. I want to lose weight this summer but its just so hard.. like im 14 and I weigh 173 and im suppose to be 120 average size. and it really hurts because I dont get the attention from guys like my skinny friends do. and my brother is mean to me and he rejects me infront of people. because he is the hot one and he has honor classes in the family. he like the perfect one. I just want to feel part of the family too! and be healthy. I have 2 mths to lose weight before I go to school and I want to go diff. and prove all those people that hurt me and I know im pretty like my friends they tell me im “lucky” because I have a pretty face. so if ya know any effective way to lose weight or if you want to write me a Diet plan that I can follow and exersises it would really help. thanks-cintia <3 if you want my email, fun mail me and ill be glad to give it to you. :) omg I really would do ANYTHING!! to lose weight it can be the hardest thing .. you tell me and ill try my BEST!!

Answer #1

250lbs with only 17% bodyfat lmfao that’s hilarious. I don’t know who did your measurements but they totally lied to you. I’m about 13% bodyfat 5’9 and 170lbs. So unless you’re around 8’6 then you are not 17% bodyfat. I would at least double that number.

As for a plan…Step 1: exercise daily. 3-5x a week cardio, 3-6x a week strengthening Muscle burns fat and cardio teaches your body how to burn fat quicker and more efficient. Do cardio in the morning with barely anything in your stomach. Do muscular endurance anytime with something in your stomach and a dose of protein before or after the workout. An hour for cardio and an hour for strengthening.

Step 2: dieting: CHANGE YOUR DIET!!! Do NOT go on a diet because you will just gain all of the weight back that you lost before. Changing a diet does not happen in a day or a week. It takes lots of time and patience for your body to get use to the healthy changes. Low carb diets work well. Eat lots of veggies. If you eat meat then do not eat anything fried or covered in bread/bread crumbs. Supplements like hydroxycut help with cravings and protein shakes and vitamins help with rebuilding/building of your body structure. Nitrious Oxide helps with motivation.

Step 3: Routine and Regularity: Self explanitory…once you start something, stay with it or you will not get much from it. It only takes 5 days for your body to start losing muscle mass once you quit. You can lose up to 10lbs a week and be healthy and you can gain up to 10lbs a month(of muscle) and be healthy. I’ve never came close to those numbers but I’ve seen it done with a LOT of hard work and dedication. Start slow because your body has to get use to everything and people that lose weight slowly tend to keep it off better than people that drop it quick.

Answer #2

mm I think you dont have to think like that (imean about lossing weight in such a hurry) its like hurring your self and because your thinking llike that your are going to want to lose weight fast do anything and many girls go bulimic or anorexic(thats me) and it dum it cool that you want to lose wweight to be happy with your self but not like that in a hurry and it takes time maby years its better to do it long and at the end be helthy than fast get bulimic and end up almost dying dont be so stressed about it

Answer #3

ok first, yur brother is an dick for doing that to you. and second, being skinny I believe isnt the answer, its bein thick, is the answer. And ts hard to lose weight, there are many programs, and all that, but just cut out fatty foods, sugar, salts stuff like that. you gotta exserise, if you cant go to a gym, run everyday, mourning or night, eat 5 healthy meals a day, and you will lose the weight, im telling you from expereince, me and my girlfriend has dont the same thing, and she weight 160, and now is 140, in only 2 months, I was 300, but now 250, with only 17% body fat.

I hope I help

try this

eat breakfest, then a snack, lunch, then another snack, then dinner. make all these medium meals, and you should be all good.

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