What is an appropriate outfit to wear to a Bar Mitzvah?

I’ve never been to one before, so I’m clueless haha. I have a really cute orange and white dress, but I’m not sure if it’s too flashy for this kind of thing. Also, does the dress have to be a certain length?

Answer #1

Well considering it’s a respectful cermony that will most likely have elders I would advice it be knee length or very close. Your breast should not be falling out and sleeves are usually worn so id wear a cardigan if its spaghetti straped. If your not sure about the dress call the mother of the boy and ask. If you don’t want to id advice something in less bold Colors. Most Colorado ive seen are browns soft blues purples greens and occasionally red. It really depends on where its at and if they are more old fashioned or not

Answer #2

at first i thought it said bar xD i was going to give the wrong advice lmfao not too much chest and shoulders, knee length skirt .. besides that i do not see why it can not be flashy, it is still a party

Answer #3

Are you Jewish? My dad is but he doesn’t follow the religion, he’s a protestant.

Answer #4

you do not have to be jewish to be invited to a barmitzvah

Answer #5

Yes I know, I was just curious as to whether you were jewish or just attending. :)

Answer #6

Nope, I’m not Jewish

Answer #7

Hahah, okay thanks :)

Answer #8

Even though my dad doesn’t follow the religion you can definitely tell he is jewish. He’s so tight with money that he squeaks, lol. I’m allowed to mke fun of jews since I’m half jewish ;)

Answer #9

You should wear something which would be appropriate to wear to a church. :) Not too tight or short. lol I personally would ask the person that invited you about what you should wear because it may differ a little in different families.

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