Have no cleavage but need to wear a suit

my friend is havin a pool party… and I’m suppose to wear a swimsuit… but I have absolutely no cleavage!!! and my crush will be there!!!

Answer #1

your boobs shouldn;t matter, if you act just as confident as a girl with huge boobs at this party, he’ll like your confidence instead of your size!

Answer #2

I saw on the tyra banks show that if you dont have as much clevage, wear a bathing suit that isnt a V and goes around your neck. I hope this could help!

Answer #3

YOUR ONLY 13. Your not suppose to have cleavage. Very few girls do at this age, but it is perfectly normal not to. Your going through puberty, which means you are growing. Just except how you look, and have fun!

Answer #4

I have no clevage either so dont be ashamed just dont think about it

Answer #5

Your 13! Most people don’t expect a 13 year old to have cleavage. Seriously why are so many 13 year olds worrying so much about their boobs!? But…try a bra-like bikini if you get what I mean. But the best is if you go shopping and try on aload of bikinis and find which one you like the best. Your crush shouldn’t care about your cleavage if he likes you for the right reasons and if he doesn’t he’s not worth it! Hope this helped and stop worrying so much about your boobs! Your 13 for gods sakes! lol x

Answer #6

Attract your crush with your brain and sense of humor, not with your boobs.

Answer #7

you are still growing up.don’t worry your crush will understand

Answer #8

STOP TRYING TO MAKE HER FEEL BETTER. OK, I’m a thirteen year old guy, and really most girls my age DO have cleavage. However, I’d say AT LEAST 80% of my friends (including me) only really give the boobs a first glance or sometimes hardly that. As long as you don’t have three tons of acne and bird’s nest hair, your crush won’t mind.

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