Is Obama going to legalize weed?

Answer #1

what toadaly said…

Answer #2

Not before he does weed.

Answer #3

no no president is ever going to legalize drugs

Answer #4


Answer #5

I nope so.. :) that would be awsome :P <3

Answer #6

sephers165, toadaly was not talking to you specifically. What makes you think he was?

Answer #7

toadaly and jimahl, I resent that.

I am a Bible is the word of God, Christ died for my sins, Christian, and I in no way, am for the war on drugs, especially that which makes marijuana illegal. I am probably more for it be de-illegalized than you are, since I voted for someone who is already in Congress proposing bills that are steps towards making it legal, while Obama, is a bunch of rhetoric and talk.

(And shock, I didn’t ever vote for Bush either, because I didn’t like his policies, stop with the stereotypes)

Obama will not legalize it, because he is full of talk, but his policies (look at foreign policy for instance) are the same as the neo-cons.

Answer #8

First term he will probably put in a don’t ask don’t tell policy on drugs. It will be an unenforced law, however probably have penalties on dealing. Then to secure his second term he may go with a full legalization. That is just what I think. Personally I don’t like drugs, but I dont care if someone uses it in the privacy of their own home and stays in their own home. For any of you who do pot please keep it safe.

Answer #9

I don’t think the OK is going to come from the Federal Goverment…that legalization will be state by state…


Answer #10

Although drug decriminalization would be the most rational policy, it’s also political suicide. No president will seriously broach the subject as long as the US remains mired in ancient religious superstitions.

The religious right holds too much political sway, and they will foolishly continue to demand prohibition, even though it causes problems rather than solving them, because that’s what they think Jesus would want.

Answer #11

I think that if Obama did legalize weed it would be legalized so that people stoped using sutch hard drugs like heroin and crack. That’s why the police in amsterdam don’t care if poeple in coffee shops smoke weed becasue it keeps the hard drug stats down. Personaly I hope he does becasue then I wouldn’t brake the law so much!

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